Doctoral Studies

The Doctoral Program of the Department has a long and successful record. Upon completion of the program, the doctoral candidate receives a PhD degree. The Masters’ Program and the PhD program provide graduate courses, seminars, lectures, as well as collaboration with other universities and research centers, in addition to research projects through which the candidates acquire knowledge and experience in the fields of: economic science, management, and regional science.

The purpose of the program is a scientific, theoretical and applied education, and the specialized professional training of Economists, Regionalists, and personnel of companies and organizations on issues of applied economic analysis, economic policy, the administration of companies and organizations, as well as on issues of local, urban and regional development and real estate.
Positions for doctoral candidates are announced once a year (usually in late spring) and the program includes a broad range of contemporary and current theoretical and applied research issues
To take part in the Doctoral Program, in application, you must document your abilities (your knowledge of theory, the theory and tools of quantitative analysis, the use of the library and data bases). It is thus important for you to devote a significant amount of time to the preparation of your application.
Your participation in the Doctoral Program will help you: by enriching your theoretical, practical, research and academic knowledge; to delve deeper into the field of study you have chosen; and to acquire knowledge which is new, useful and which can be utilized in administration or in policy. Finally and most importantly, you will learn to undertake independent research.

With your choice of our Doctoral Program, you will have access to the community of Professors and researchers with specialized knowledge and experience that are the necessary for the preparation and writing of your PhD thesis.
As a rule, preparing a doctoral thesis is like a running a marathon, which in our department is supported and fueled by interaction with the community to which you now belong.
As a doctoral candidate, you will have access to an organized framework of courses, seminars, lectures, conferences, workshops and research groups organized by the Department of Economic and Regional Development, in addition to the library of Panteion as well as that of other Universities and Research Centers which collaborate with Panteion. Furthermore, your participation in the academic community of Panteion offers you experience (through participation in conferences, through preparation and teaching of undergraduate and undergraduate courses, through the organization of workshops for graduate students, and so on) and, of course, other valuable interactions with multiple benefits.

Upon completion of your doctoral studies, you will be in a position to pursue and work with self-confidence in demanding research or administrative positions in businesses, organizations, universities or research centers both in Greece and abroad.

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