The Department


The Department of Economics and Regional Development was founded in 1989. It offers undergraduate, Masters, PhD and Post-Doctoral programs. It is one of a number of Economics Departments in Greece and its graduates are registered with the Greek Chamber of Commerce. Each year, approximately 200 students are admitted into the undergraduate program. At most 60 graduates are selected each year for the graduate program and a limited number of students are admitted to the Doctoral Program. The goal of the Department is to provide students with comprehensive studies in Economics and Regional Development Science. The subjects covered in the Department include significant contemporary and current issues in economics such as economic development, international economic and financial crises and how to confront them, the role of international trade and of international organizations and financial institutions, the convergence/investigation of developmental inequalities between countries; the planning and organization of private and public corporations, the policies of the EU, the strengthening of entrepreneurship, the utilization of technology and innovation, the strengthening of dynamic sectors, the activation of social capital, the analysis of regional inequalities, the environment and sustainable development, the investigation of the role of urban centers and metropolises, regional planning and balanced regional development.


The length of the undergraduate program is four (4) years, and it is divided into 8 semesters. We sharpen the abilities of our students and encourage their interests so that they learn to work prudently, creatively and effectively. We have a vibrant community of professors and students who thrive in an intellectual milieu in which new ideas and avenues are pursued actively. Combining teaching and research, we provide our students with a theoretical understanding as well as an empirical involvement in contemporary global issues of economic development.


For more than 20 years, initially in cooperation with the Institute of Regional Development, the Department of Economics and Regional Development has offered a Master’s Degree program which leads to a Master’s degree or to the writing of a doctoral thesis. The program covers all the fields of regional development and applied economics. It emphasizes knowledge of advanced analytical techniques and the ability to relate these to applied policy so as to allow both research and/or academic interests of the candidates who may wish to further their studies in a doctoral program, as well as for those who wish to make their careers in the always current issues of applied economics and administration, of planning in programs of economics and regional development, of spatial planning, etc. Ninety (90)l credits (ECTS) required to complete the Master’s Program. It is an interdisciplinary program to which graduates of other Universities and the National Technical Universities of Greece and abroad are accepted following an evaluation procedure. The Master’s Program is entitled “Applied Economic and Regional Development”
The program has two fields of specialization:
1. Applied Economics and Management
2. Urban & Regional Development, with two sub-fields:
a. Regional & Local Development
b. Real Estate


The long and successful record of the Department in the organization of a Doctoral Program has been proven. Those who complete the Program are awarded a PhD.

The courses, seminar series, lectures collaboration with university and research centers offered through the Masters’ and the Doctoral Programs lead to the acquisition of knowledge and experience in the subject areas of economic science, management and regional science.

Post-Doctoral Program
Post-doctoral research on subjects related to the subject areas of the Department is supported by the supervision from its Teaching and Research Staff. Infrastructure for research and collaboration is offered and the progress of the post-doctoral researchers is monitored through the Doctoral Program.


Graduates of the Department of Economic and Regional Development are able to work in both the private and the public sectors. They are entitled to membership in the Greek Chamber of Commerce, and they thereafter have all the professional rights of an economist and the right to compete for positions in the public sector in Economic and Administrative Services as well as in Regional and Local Government (Sector ΠΕ09 Economists). They also have the right to become members of The Association of Greek Regionalists and to be recognized as Regionalists. In the private sector, graduates of the department work in Greek and International Banks, in domestic and international consultant companies, as independent researchers, and as executives in firms which undertake regional development studies at the local, regional, and sectoral levels. In the public sector, graduates of the department are able to work as executives in the Central Administration (in Ministries) and in Public Corporations and Organizations as well as in Local Administration (Municipal and Regional) and in the Decentralized Regional Administration. Their work focuses on subjects related to the economy, loans, development, national and regional planning, the policies of the European Union, and so on. They are also qualified to teach political economy in secondary schools. Finally, the completion of undergraduate and graduate studies in the Department broadens our graduates’ horizons, as they are able to compete for positions in the European Union and in international organizations which are concerned with economic issues and with development on the international, national, regional, or sectoral level.


The Department of Regional Development of Panteion University of Social and Political Science has adopted and implemented specific policies for the continual upgrading of its Undergraduate Curriculum and to ensure the quality of its academic work. The educational and research activity of the Department is primarily focused on two main scientific fields: Economic Science; and Regional Science. The subject matter covered by TOPA incorporates modern interdisciplinary viewpoints with regard to the nature and characteristics of development on local, regional, national and international levels. The educational “philosophy” of TOPA is based on the idea that students must acquire a full theoretical training in the basic fields of Economics and Regional Development which include: microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis; as well as regional, urban and spatial analysis. Within this framework, the students must also learn to utilize empirical methods of statistical econometric analysis and begin to acquire the capability to plan and undertake applied research. To ensure the quality of the Undergraduate Program of TOPA, students’ grades are recorded and analyzed statistically, on a yearly basis, by course and by professor. The results of this analysis will be published in an annual report and discussed at the general meetings of TOPA. The Departmental Committee for the Undergraduate Program also keeps track of how well the curriculum corresponds to the domestic and international socio-economic conditions and reports on the functioning of and the adaptions necessary for the Undergraduate Program. The Syllabus of each course is also prepared, distributed and posted. In addition, notes, exercises, slides and supplementary material are posted on the online educational platform (e-class). An evaluation of the teaching work is accomplished through a questionnaire filled out by the students, the results of which are processed by the Quality Assurance Unit (MODIP) and will soon be handled through the use of special software of the University. And when the teaching work is assigned, an evaluation is done of how well the field of specialization and the research work of each member of the teaching staff fit with the subject matter of the class to be taught. The research and scholarly work of the human resources of TOPA are carefully monitored and evaluated with regard to publications and citations. Finally, the entry grades of the students who enter the Department through the University Entrance Examinations are being monitored, and a policy to promote the Department is being formed. There is also a Departmental Study Guide in English. The research undertaken, in addition to the publications of the Department members are uploaded on the site of the Department. Furthermore, an event is planned for the presentation of the strategy, the planning and the activities intended to maintain the high standards of the Department as well as a presentation of the basic conclusions and proposals of the Departmental General Meeting and of the Senate. TOPA’s efforts to maintain its high standards include: expanding and enhancing the human resources of the Department; improving the material-material infrastructure; and facilitating and encouraging the teaching and research work of the staff, as well as that of the Institutes, Laboratories and Research Centers of the Department.

The Department of Economic and Regional Development has the following administrative instruments:

The Department General Meeting

The General Meeting is made up of the Head of the Department, the 23 members of the teaching staff and one representative each of the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students.
The basic competencies of the General Meeting of the Department are: the general supervision of the functioning of the department and upholding of the rules of the laws and the internal regulations; in addition to the determination of the general educational and research policy of the department such as the preparation and the revision of the program of studies and the formulation of opinions concerning the direction and the areas of specialization of the degrees awarded by the Department.
The duties of the General Meetings of the Academic Sections are:
– To elect the Director of the Section.
– To coordinate the work of the section within the framework of the decisions of the General Meetings of the department
– To make proposals to the General Meetings of the department with regard to the curriculum of study.
– To allocate the funds of the section to the various teaching and research activities.
– To make decisions regarding the allocation of teaching work to the members of the teaching and research staff of the section.

The Head of the Department

Associate Professor Chrysostomos Stoforos was elected as Head of the Department for the two year term (2022-2024) as of July 18, 2022 when the election was published in the Government Gazette.
The Head of the Department: a) calls the General Meetings; b) sets up the agendas of the meetings and chairs the meetings; c) presents the issues of the agenda to the department members who are assembled for the general meetings; d) keeps record of the academic activities of all the members of teaching and research staff of the department; e) ensures that the decisions of the General Meetings are implemented; f) forms committees to study or manage certain issues; and g) directs the services of the department.

The Vice Chairperson of the Department

Professor Antonios Rovolis was elected as the Vice Chairperson of the Department for the two year term (2022-2024) as of July 18, 2022 when the election was published in the Government Gazette.
The Vice Chairperson of the Department replaces the Head of the Department, when he is absent for any reason whatsoever or if he is hindered temporarily from undertaking his duties, or additionally if he resigns or is not available to serve to the end of his term. She also takes part in the Administrative Council of the Department which is made up of: a) The Chairman and the Vice Chairperson of the Department; b) the Heads of the Academic Sections of the Department; c) one of the three elected student representatives the choice of which is made by the students. The Administrative Council outlines issues within its realm of competency to the General Meeting of the Department and processes issues which are referred to it by the latter. In addition, all issues for which the legislation foresees the provision of knowledge or the submission of proposals at the Departmental level also belong within the competencies of the Council.

The Academic Sections of the Department

Our department has two academic Sections:
1. Economic Science, made up of 8 members of the Teaching and Research Staff.
2. Regional Science, made up of 14 members of the Teaching and Research Staff.

For the current academic year, Professor Vassilis Tselios has been elected as Director of the Regional Science Section. For the current academic year, Assitant Professor Grigorios Siourounis has been elected Director of the Economic Science Section.
The responsibilities of the Directors of the Sections are: to convene the General Meetings of the Sections; to set up the agendas of the meetings; to direct the work of the sections; and to see to the implementation of their decisions.

Instruments of the Post Graduate Program

Concerning the organization and functioning of the PGP the instruments responsible are :

1. The Special Session of the General Meeting
The Special Session of the General Meeting of the Department is made up of the Head of the Department, the members of the teaching and research staff and two representatives of the graduate students of the Department. This Special Session of the General Meeting is responsible for the establishment and the introduction of proposals for the PGP, the appointment of members to the advisory committees, to the examination committees, to the coordinating committee, the awarding of graduate degrees, the formation of committees for choosing or examining graduate candidates, in addition to every other issue foreseen by the provisions of the legislation.

2. The Coordinating Committee of the PGP
The Coordinating Committee of the PGP which is made up of the members of the teaching and research staff of the Department, who have undertaken graduate work or the supervision of doctoral dissertations and which are determined by the Special Session of the General Meeting. This General Meeting is responsible for monitoring and coordinating the functioning of the Program.
The Director of the PGP, who chairs the Special Session of the General Meeting, is appointed by decision of the General Meeting of the Department for a two year term with the possibility of renewal and may exercise his/her duties with a partial exemption from his/her teaching duties. The Director must be at the level of Professor or Associate Professor, in the same or related field as the subject of the PGP and exercise his duties which are defined in the Rules of Graduate Studies of the Institution which are foreseen in Article 3 and the internal regulations of the Institution. The Director of Graduate Studies explains all the issues that pertain to the effective implementation of the PGP to the Special Session of the General Meeting. The Director of the PGP is responsible for the budget and the review of the Program, submits them to the Special Session of the General Meeting, monitors the implementation of the Budget and sees to the payment of related funds.

The Director of the PGP is Professor Stella Sofia Kyvelou-Chiotini.

Members of the General Meeting in the Academic Year 2020-2021

1. Bithas Konstantinos
2. Degiannakis Stavros (Vice Ηead of the PGP)
3. Kyvelou-Chiotini Stella-Sofia
4. Liapis Konstantinos
5. Lyberaki Antigone
6. Palaskas Theodosios
7. Psycharis Ioannis
8. Rovolis Antonis (Vice Head of the Department 2022-24)
9. Tselios Vasilios (Director of the Regional Science Section)

Associate Professors
1. Avdikos Vasilios
2. Delitheou Vasiliki
3. Keramidou Ioanna
4. Mimis Angelos
5. Plaskovitis Elias (part-time)
6. Stoforos Chrysostomos (Head of Department 2022-24)

Assistant Professors
1. Alexiou Alexandros (on tenure)
2. Babinas Georgios (on tenure)
3. Bageri vasiliki (on tenure)
4. Christoforou Asimina (on tenure)
5. Kalimeris Panagiotis (on tenure)
6. Karaganis Anastasios
7. Pseiridis Anastasia
8. Siourounis Grigoris (Director of the Economic Science Section)


Panteio University has a long history. It was founded in the 1920s and was known as the Panteios Higher School of Political Science. In 1989, in accordance with the Presidential Decree 377/89, the School was renamed Panteio University of Social and Political Sciences. Today, the University is made up of nine departments, four of which offer graduate programs. It has academic institutes and research centers, documentation offices for the European Union, computer labs, a Department of Foreign Languages, a Centre for Vocational Training, a Career Office, a library, a Sports Centre, a Medical Unit, student dormitories and a cafeteria.
The activities of the University are undertaken in seven buildings. The Administration Building is located at Syggrou 136, Athens 176 71.

The Department of Economics and Regional Development was founded in 1989 and was originally called The Department of Urban and Regional Development. It is one of a number of Economics Departments in Greece and its graduates are registered with the Greek Chamber of Commerce. The Department offers both an undergraduate and a graduate program. Each year, approximately 150 students enter the undergraduate program and 25 students begin the graduate program. The educational and research activities of the Department are focused on two main academic fields. This can of course be seen from the Department’s two academic fields of specialization: Regional Science and Political Economy. Twenty-seven (27) teaching and research staff work in the Department.

The Department of Economic and Regional Development aims at the broad, in depth, acquisition of the science of economics with a simultaneous specialization in a relatively new field, that of Regional Science. This incorporates the most contemporary views of economic development as a social phenomenon which develops in space with broader economic, social, political, social, cultural and environmental dimensions.


The Department of Economic and Regional Development is devoted to a relatively new academic field which embodies a contemporary, interdisciplinary understanding of the nature and character of economic development. The entire educational and theoretical philosophy of the Department is based on the idea that the analysis of economic development is a complex social process, the most important dimensions of which are space and time, that is to say, people, places and their history. In general, economic and human activities take place and develop within a spatial context, which significantly influences the development process and is influenced by it. Space is seen both as geographical (place, city, region, etc.) with specific problems, but also as historical, in the sense of being both determined and limited by its history. Within this framework, the realization that development is spatially distributed in an unequal manner assists in highlighting particular local issues that can be clearly distinguished from the more general developmental issues, which is something that defines the basic orientation of our Department.
What distinguishes the teaching and research activity of the Department is its modern analysis of the development phenomenon through an interdisciplinary approach. More specifically, our analysis of the phenomenon of development is not limited by the narrow confines of economic science but is enriched through the broader spheres of the social sciences and employs methods and instruments from the hard sciences. Thus the dimensions of social prosperity and social solidarity, democracy, equality and freedom, ecologically sustainable development, in addition to the right to partake of material and cultural goods, constitute the basis upon which the teaching and research of the academic fields of the Department are based.
With this theoretical and normative nexus at its core, the Departmental Program is based upon two equally important and interrelated pivots – economic development and regional science.
Basic Subject Areas:
The first provides students with an overall consolidation of all the basic subjects which are taught in all Economics Departments: Microeconomics; Macroeconomics; Public Finance and Fiscal Policy; Development Economics; Monetary Theory and Policy; International Economic Relations; Industrial Organization; Economic Policy; Labor Economics; the History of Economic Analysis; etc.
The Second provides students with specialized knowledge in the field of Regional Science, as it is broadly defined with the basic subject areas of: Urban and Regional Economic Policy; Location of Economic Activities; Transportation Economics; Environmental Economics; Land Planning; City Planning; Cultural Development; Economic and Urban Geography; the Institutional Framework of Regional Development, Local Administration; etc.
The above two fields are reinforced by a Third field which is devoted to Quantitative and Related Analyses of Development issues, with the basic subject areas of: Mathematics; Statistics; Econometrics and Computer Science; in addition to other quantitative methods which are particularly useful in the analysis of issues of urban and regional development.
The knowledge provided in the undergraduate program provides our students with the theoretical background and the technical skills which will allow them to continue their studies at a graduate level, in our Department or in any other Department of Economics, either in Greece or abroad.

Regional Science

DIRECTOR: ProfessorVasillios Tselios


A. Lymperaki, Professor

K. Bithas, Professor

A. Rovolis, Professor

I. Psycharis, Professor

S. S. Kyvelou-Chiotini, Professor

K. Liapis, Professor

I. Plaskovitis, Assosiate Professor

Ag. Mimis, Assosiate Professor

V. Avdikos, Assosiate Professor

V. Deliteou, Assosiate Professor

An. Karaganis, Assistant Professor

G. Babinas, Assistant Professor (on tenure)

P. Kalimeris, Assistant Professor (on tenure)

Economic Science

DIRECTOR: Assistant Professor Grigoris Siourounis


Th. Palaskas, Professor

St. Degiannakis, Professor

Ch. Stoforos, Assosiate Professor

I. Keramidou, Assosiate Professor

An. Pseiridou, Assistant Professor

As. Christoforou, Assistant Professor (on tenure)

V. Bageri, Assistant Professor (on tenure)

The Department of Economics and Regional Development pursues a vision of excellence in all its fields of academic activity and functions: in education; in research; in administration; and in strengthening the prestige, the openness and the recognition of its scientific work. The exceptional qualifications of the Department’s human capital have, since 1989, been critical toi the realization of its strategic goals.


The Department of Regional Development of Panteion University of Social and Political Science has adopted and implemented specific policies for the continual upgrading of its Undergraduate Curriculum and to ensure the quality of its academic work. The educational and research activity of the Department is primarily focused on two main scientific fields: Economic Science; and Regional Science. The subject matter covered by TOPA incorporates modern interdisciplinary viewpoints with regard to the nature and characteristics of development on local, regional, national and international levels. The educational “philosophy” of TOPA is based on the idea that students must acquire a full theoretical training in the basic fields of Economics and Regional Development which include: microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis; as well as regional, urban and spatial analysis. Within this framework, the students must also learn to utilize empirical methods of statistical econometric analysis and begin to acquire the capability to plan and undertake applied research. To ensure the quality of the Undergraduate Program of TOPA, students’ grades are recorded and analyzed statistically, on a yearly basis, by course and by professor. The results of this analysis will be published in an annual report and discussed at the general meetings of TOPA. The Departmental Committee for the Undergraduate Program also keeps track of how well the curriculum corresponds to the domestic and international socio-economic conditions and reports on the functioning of and the adaptions necessary for the Undergraduate Program. The Syllabus of each course is also prepared, distributed and posted. In addition, notes, exercises, slides and supplementary material are posted on the online educational platform (e-class). An evaluation of the teaching work is accomplished through a questionnaire filled out by the students, the results of which are processed by the Quality Assurance Unit (MODIP) and will soon be handled through the use of special software of the University. And when the teaching work is assigned, an evaluation is done of how well the field of specialization and the research work of each member of the teaching staff fit with the subject matter of the class to be taught. The research and scholarly work of the human resources of TOPA are carefully monitored and evaluated with regard to publications and citations. Finally, the entry grades of the students who enter the Department through the University Entrance Examinations are being monitored, and a policy to promote the Department is being formed. There is also a Departmental Study Guide in English. The research undertaken, in addition to the publications of the Department members are uploaded on the site of the Department. Furthermore, an event is planned for the presentation of the strategy, the planning and the activities intended to maintain the high standards of the Department as well as a presentation of the basic conclusions and proposals of the Departmental General Meeting and of the Senate. TOPA’s efforts to maintain its high standards include: expanding and enhancing the human resources of the Department; improving the material-material infrastructure; and facilitating and encouraging the teaching and research work of the staff, as well as that of the Institutes, Laboratories and Research Centers of the Department.

The fundamental Goals of the Quality Assurance Policy are:

1. Appropriate and continuous improvement of the organizational structure of the undergraduate program.
2. Achievement of Teaching Goals and strengthening of participation in the learning process and timely completion of studies.
3. Improvement in the Quality and the Effectiveness of the teaching
4. Improvement of the quality of the research work
5. Connection of teaching with research
6. Upgrading of the support services
7. Appropriateness of the Teaching Personnel
8. Utilization, dissemination, and application of knowledge
9. Enhancement of prestige and international presence
10. Internal review and inspection of the Department’s Quality Assurance System.